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Elementary Music Virtual Learning Statement:
Through remote learning, the general music team is committed to helping students continue creating, performing, responding, and connecting to music as aligned to state and national standards. The elementary music specialists will encourage growth through the elements of rhythm, melody/pitch, movement, and creativity across all grade levels. We will continue to encourage our students to develop their love and life-long enjoyment of the arts during this unprecedented time.
Aural Training
What is Aural Training?
Ear training or aural skills is a music skill musicians learn to identify just by hearing, pitches, intervals, melody, chords, rhythms, and other basic elements of music.
Creating Music Block Game- create a 3-note pattern and then listen to a variety of patterns to choose the one you created.
Creating Music Comparing Game- listen to two melodies and determine if they are the same or different.
Creating Music About Pitch- Listen to two melodies and determine if they are the same or different.
Creating Music Block Game with Rhythm- List the block game above only with an 8-note melodic and rhythmic pattern.
About Music: Pitch- listen to classical music excerpts demonstrating rising and lowering pitch.
12 Steps- Select the sound heard to help Alice (in Wonderland) up the stairs.
Orchestra Game- Listen and identify the instrument played.
Carnegie Hall Listening Adventures- interactive listening map.
Classics for Kids Rhythm- imitate rhythms played on the space bar.
Arts Alive Guess the Instrument- multiple choice choose instrument played.
Note Pair- aural concentration game.
Theta Music Trainer- many aural training games for everything from scales, intervals, chord progressions, rhythms, and more.
Storm Chasers- recognize melodic direction.
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