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Aural Training

What is Aural Training?

Ear training or aural skills is a music skill musicians learn to identify just by hearing, pitches, intervals, melody, chords, rhythms, and other basic elements of music. 


Creating Music Block Game- create a 3-note pattern and then listen to a variety of patterns to choose the one you created. 

Creating Music Comparing Game- listen to two melodies and determine if they are the same or different. 

Creating Music About Pitch- Listen to two melodies and determine if they are the same or different. 

Creating Music Block Game with Rhythm- List the block game above only with an 8-note melodic and rhythmic pattern. 

About Music: Pitch- listen to classical music excerpts demonstrating rising and lowering pitch. 

12 Steps- Select the sound heard to help Alice (in Wonderland) up the stairs.

Orchestra Game- Listen and identify the instrument played. 

Carnegie Hall Listening Adventures- interactive listening map.

Classics for Kids Rhythm- imitate rhythms played on the space bar.

Arts Alive Guess the Instrument- multiple choice choose instrument played.

Note Pair- aural concentration game.

Theta Music Trainer- many aural training games for everything from scales, intervals, chord progressions, rhythms, and more.  

Storm Chasers- recognize melodic direction. 

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